Costis Triandaphyllou (Costis)

Born: February 8, 1950 in Athens, Greece. Lives and works in Athens and Paris.
University Studies: 1968-1972: University of Athens, Department of Economics and Political Science. 1972-1976: University of Paris VIII, Licence and Maitrise in Cinematography and Audio-Visual Studies; UER in Cinema and Visual Arts,  Licence of Philosophie, terminated his studies at the level of Doctorat d’état under J.F.Lyotard.
Cinema: Directed feature-length film Saga of a City which was shown at the Cinema Racine in Paris, during the experimental film festival of  the Paris film CoOp.
Books: Fragments 1967-1973, Poetry, p. 64, February


Last modified: 20/10/2016