Born in Athens in 1992, Danai Simou initially studied Fashion Styling, but in the end she explored her love for the art of photography and video, studying photography at IEK of Chaidari and attending courses on History of Art, Theater and Cinema at the Open University and seminars on Editing and Narrative Photography beside Achilles Nasios. She has participated in workshops with photographers Antoine d’Agata, Michael Akerman and Stéphane Charpentier and with the the photographic publishing house Akina Books. Her WORMS series were exhibited at the Athens Photo Festival 2017 and published in a photozine. Her photos have been featured in a variety of group exhibitions and have been published in publications, such as The Preto magazine from The Unknown Books and the book Almost true by Void. She has directed four music videos for local music bands. Finally, she is also occupied with art direction, poetry and music by the name G.O.I.N.
Last modified: 09/01/2019