He was born in Germany in 1968.
He studied in the Akademie der bildenden Küste (Academy of Fine Arts) Munich (G. Dengler, R. Page, Prof.Dr.Weisshaar, E. Paolozzi).
He lives and works in Athens since 1998. In 2006 he won the best picture of the year award, for a cover he painted for the Athens Voice newspaper.
Solo Exhibitions
* 2009 Titanium Yiayiannos Gallery, Athens, Greece
* 2008 Silks Gallery, Limassol, Cyprus
* 2007 Galerie Libre Cours, Bruxelles, Belgium.
* 2006 Benaki Museum Athens, Greece.
* 2006 Aithousa Technis Naupliou, Nauplio, Greece.
* 2005 Titanium Gallery, Athens, Greece.
* 2004 Aithousa Technis Naupliou, Nauplio, Greece.
* 1998 Perastiki, Athens, Greece.
* 1996 VAK Galerie, Munich, Germany.
* 1996 Ateliers, Berlin, Germany
Last modified: 11/11/2013